Hyalgan Knee Arthritis Injections

Hyalgan Knee Arthritis Injections

Do you have KNEE PAIN? Is it from an injury or it could be lateral patella tracking, a torn medial or lateral meniscus, degenerative joint disease/osteoarthritis? Let the Doctors at Trinity diagnose your knee pain. We will start with a detailed exam, X-rays and possibly an MRI. Once we diagnose your problem, we can treat for the appropriate condition.

Joint degeneration, also known as osteoarthritis, can be treated with Hyalgan. Hyalgan injections are administered by a Medical Doctor and given in a series of 5. This series is given every week on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Once the series of injections has begun, you must return for subsequent injections on the same day each week. You should be prepared to commit to 5 consecutive weeks in order for the treatment to be most effective. Studies indicate that potential pain relief received from the series of injections can last up to 6 months; however, results vary with each patient.

If we determine your knee pain is not due to degenerative joint disease, it may be from irregular patellar tracking (patellar tracking is when the kneecap shifts out of place as the leg bends or straightens). It can be treated with Physical Therapy, Neuromuscular re-education and Chiropractic care, all done here in our office.

Symptoms of patellar tracking are:

  1. Pain in the joint or swelling of the knee
  2. Weakness in the knee or the feeling that your knee wants to give out or can’t support your weight
  3. Spasm, pain, weakness or tightness in the muscles of the thigh (hamstrings and quadriceps)
  4. Dull ache under, around and at the outer edges of the kneecap (often it can feel worse when going up or down steps/stairs, after sitting for long periods of time and when squatting)

A tear in the lateral or medial meniscus can occur when an individual causes damage to the cartilage in the knee. Meniscus tears can be verified with CT Scan or MRI. If it is determined that a tear is present, you will be referred to an Orthopedic Surgeon and then return to our office in 2 weeks for Physical Therapy.

Symptoms of a meniscus tear may include any of the following:

  1. Unable to extend your leg comfortably, may feel better when it is flexed
  2. Swelling, stiffness and tightness in your knee
  3. May develop pain gradually along the meniscus joint line when you put stress on your knees, usually this is occurs over a period of time
  4. A pop may be felt at the time of injury
  5. Recurrent knee-catching
  6. Locking of the knee joint